Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Pre-K State Standards: Liam

Updated February 19, 2009. Liam has passed all the standards off now and is working on kindergarten skills.
Today we are going to post about the Nevada State Standards. Every state has it's own "standards" that your kids should have down before they reach kindergarten level. I read another woman's blog where she posted the standards, and she made all the ones her kids could do black, and all the ones they were working on red, so I'm going to do the same thing, except I'm going to instead leave the ones we don't know the normal text color, and do the ones we do know purple.

Pre-K Standards

Language and Early Literacy

Recognize some environmental print and symbols.
Identify some letters in own name.
Identify the initial sound of own name.
Demonstrate an awareness that print carries a message.

Use pictures to aid comprehension.

Ask questions or make comments pertinent to the story being read.
Identify the front of the book and know how to turn the pages when reading.
Retell a story with the aid of pictures, props, or a book.
Predict what will happen next in a story and respond.
Listen and respond to stories from different cultures and eras.
Listen and respond to rhythm or rhyme.
Listen and respond to age-appropriate material for a variety of purposes.
Listen and respond to poetry and prose.
Demonstrate an understanding that printed material provides information.

Recall information from an event, text, or picture.
Respond to or ask a question about an event, text, or picture.
Follow, with teacher assistance, a simple pictorial direction.


Experiment with writing tools and materials in response to information.
Experiment with writing tools and materials to communicate.
Experiment with writing tools and materials in response to a familiar experience.
Experiment with writing tools and materials in response to literature.
Share ideas for class writing.
Organize ideas, through group discussion, with teacher assistance.

Dictate words, phrases, or sentences to an adult recording on paper.
Share drawings with others.
Attempt, with a model, to write the first letter of first name.
Attempt to spell own first name.
Use letter-like approximation to write name and/or other words or ideas.
Demonstrate beginning techniques for using various writing materials.
Trace and progress to copying basic shapes (e.g. horizontal line, vertical line, X, plus sign, circle, etc.).

Listening and Speaking

Listen for a variety of purposes.
Listen and respond appropriately to stories and group discussions.
Listen to and follow a two-step oral direction.
Listen with increasing attention span.

Use and expand vocabulary.
Speak with increasing clarity, ease, and accuracy.
Initiate conversation and respond to others.

Use language to repeat simple stories, songs or rhymes, or to relate experiences.
Give a clear direction.
Speak in complete sentences, using at least three words.
Engage in
conversation and sometimes follow conversational rules.
Ask and answer simple questions.
Share ideas and information from personal and shared-group experiences.
Engage in dramatic play to convey experiences, feelings, ideas, or stories.

Identify and explore an area of interest.
Use, with teacher assistance, a variety of sources to obtain information.


Numbers, Number Sense, and Computation
Use concrete objects to combine and separate groups up to 5.
Count to 10.
Recognize and read numerals 0-5.
Estimate the number of objects in a set to 5 and verify by counting.
Match the number of objects to the correct numeral 0-5.

Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
Sort objects by similar attributes (e.g., size, shape, and color).
Recognize and replicate simple patterns (e.g. ABAB).
Compare sets of objects. Determine which set has more or less.

Compare objects by size to determine smaller and larger.
Sort pennies and nickels.
Identify day and night.

Spatial Relationships and Geometry
Identify circles, triangles, and squares.
Identify positions (e.g., in front, behind, next to, up, down, inside, outside, on top).

Data Analysis
Identify and sort data (e.g., interpret quantity in pictures)

Social Studies

Social-Emotional Development
Make independent choices from diverse interest centers or activities.
Select materials to use in order to express individuality.
Express ideas for activities, initiate and participate in discussions with teachers or peers.
Acknowledge actions and accomplishments verbally and non verbally.
Re-engage in a task or activity after experiencing disappointment, frustration, or failure.
Separate easily from parent(s)/ caregiver(s)/ significant adult(s).
Move through routines and activities with minimal adult/ teacher direction.
Demonstrate self-help skills (e.g., put blocks away, pour juice, use soap when washing hands).
Use toys and materials with care.
Clean up or put away toys and materials when finished.

Identify a range of feelings (e.g. sadness, anger, fear, and happiness).
Express feelings, needs, or wants in appropriate ways.
Demonstrate awareness of feelings of others (e.g., gets blanket
for friend and comforts him/her when he/she feels sad).
Demonstrate appropriate affection for teachers and friends.
Express common courtesy to others (e.g. saying “thank you,” “please,” and “excuse me,” or passing a plate of cookies).
Respect rights and belongings of others (e.g. “It is my turn to use the bike but you can have the bike when I am finished.”)
Demonstrate problem-solving skills (e.g. ask for help from an adult, talk about problems, talk about feelings relating to problems, and negotiate solutions).
able to say and respond to first and last name.
Be able to say parent or caregiver’s name.
Play independently.
Play in pairs and small groups.
Engage in dramatic play.
Initiate play, or enter into play with a group of children already playing.
Participate in cooperative groups to complete a task.

Take turns with teacher support.
Share some of the time.
Attend to a task for at least 10 minutes.
Move on to next activity without exhibiting signs of stress.
Use verbal and non-verbal conversation skills (e.g., listening, letting a person finish speaking before taking a turn, staying with one topic, maintaining eye contact, etc.).

Demonstrate ability to delay gratification to complete a larger task.

Follow classroom rules.
Participate in group decision making.

Decide between two choices.
Demonstrate understanding that money is exchanged for goods and/or services.
Demonstrate the role of consumers through dramatic play.

Share information about their family practices, customs and culture.
Be exposed to diverse family practices, customs and culture.
Identify familiar weather conditions (e.g., rain, sunshine, snow, fog).
Identify direction and location (e.g., up/down; above/below).


Physical Science
Explore and demonstrate how objects move.
Investigate how objects react when placed in water.
Sort objects according to observable properties (e.g. by shape and color).
Identify hot and cold.

Life Science
Identify humans, animals, and plants.
Use the five senses to explore and investigate the natural world.
Identify the basic need for air, water and food.
Investigate animals and their offspring.
Explore and identify a variety of animals and plants.

Earth and Space Sciences
Observe and identify weather from day to day.

Environmental Sciences
Identify animals and their homes.

Scientific Inquiry: Processes and Skills
Observe their world.
Ask questions about their world.
Share ideas with others.

Creative Arts

Creative Thinking
Use a variety of approaches to solving problems in math, science and other cognitive areas.
Use a variety of approaches to solving interpersonal problems in the classroom
Adapt environment or abilities to reach a motor challenge such as climbing or reaching
an object.
Select progressively more challenging tasks.
Demonstrate ability to delay gratification to complete a larger task.
Express satisfaction when accomplishing a task and achieving a goal.
Demonstrate persistence by trying again when faced with challenges.
Combine objects in a variety of ways.
Categorize experiences, people and ideas in a variety of ways.
Create stories and scenarios by combining experiences and ideas.

Music and Movement
Make a variety of sounds with their voices.
Create and sing chants.
Approximate pitch and increase singing range.
Recognize and select a variety of simple songs, finger plays, musical games, and musical activities alone and with others.
Select and recognize a variety of songs from diverse cultures.
Play and identify a variety of musical instruments.
Participate in a rhythm instrument band.

Accompany simple music with rhythm instruments or clapping.
Improvise simple songs and rhythmic patterns using voice, body or instrument.
Take familiar songs and change words, feelings, voice or dynamics.
Identify simple elements of music such as loud/soft and fast/slow.
Demonstrate a preference in music.
Demonstrate math and language skills while participating in music.
Move in a variety of ways to music.
Move with and without music using a variety of props such as scarves, balloons, hoops, etc.
Respond to changes in tempo.

Dramatic Play
Act out a role observed in his/her life experiences, for instance, mother, baby, doctor.
Make up new roles, for instance, from experience and familiar stories.
Direct peers and/or follow directions
from peers in creating dramatic play schemes.
Act out roles that involve another child(ren) in a related role, for instance, mother and baby, grocer and shopper.
Use available materials as either realistic or symbolic props as part of dramatic play.
Use dress-up clothes or costumes and other props in dramatic play.
Discriminate among persons, animals, and objects by identifying characteristics (e.g., the sounds animals make).
Imitate roles observed in child’s life experiences.

Assume the role of a familiar person or thing and talk in the language/tone appropriate for that person or thing.
Differentiate between pretend and real.
Use music, movement, and visual arts in dramatic play.
Use language arts, math, science, and other disciplines in dramatic play (e.g., finger plays, counting, grocery store, life cycles).

Visual Arts
Use a variety of media, techniques, and processes in art activities that are of the child’s creation without a model.
Identify color, shape, and texture through art experiences.
Recognize various art forms (e.g., photographs, statues, paintings, and drawings).
Create works that express or represent experiences, ideas, feelings, and fantasy using various media.
Create a work of art that expands on an experience, such as after a field trip, or as part of a
cultural event.
Recognize their own and others’ art work.
Demonstrate respect for the art work of others.
Describe or respond to their own creative work or the creative work of others.
Use visual arts as a means to express their feelings, thoughts, knowledge and skills in content areas such as language arts, science, and math.
Use visual arts in dramatic play, music, and movement activities.

Physical Development

Identify the basic vocabulary of simple movement patterns (e.g., walk, run, jump, hop, climb, etc.).
Demonstrate a basic form in walking, running, climbing, jumping, hopping and walking up and down stairs.
Perform a variety of large motor skills (e.g., throw a ball in purposeful direction, attempt to catch a large ball).
Balance on one foot for at least 5 seconds.
Demonstrate locomotive movements such as up, down, forward, and backward.
Demonstrate the ability to follow basic movements (e.g., over, under, in, out, in between).
Engage in daily moderate to vigorous physical activity.
Participate appropriately during physical activities.
Demonstrate turn taking and cooperation during physical activities.
Interact positively with others regardless of personal differences (e.g., skill level, gender, race, and
Participate in multi-cultural activities that enhance physical development (e.g. dance, games, and activities).
Demonstrate skills in eye-hand coordination. (i.e. stacking, lacing, stringing beads, reproducing basic patterns, complete 6 piece puzzle, Legos, peg-boards)
Demonstrate the muscle strength, dexterity, and control needed to manipulate items (e.g. scissors, writing utensils, paint brushes, play dough, buttons/snaps, etc.).
Use fingered or tripod grasp with drawing, painting or writing instruments.


Demonstrate personal hygiene skills (e.g., hand washing, independent toileting, etc.).
Identify basic anatomy (e.g., eyes, nose, arms, legs etc.).
Identify healthy foods.
Identify some safety rules (e.g., fire safety, traffic/pedestrian safety, dangerous objects/substances/activities, etc.).
Demonstrate basic disease prevention skills (e.g., cover mouth/nose when sneezing/coughing, hand washing, etc.).
Recognize community health and safety helpers (e.g. police, firefighters, doctors).
Identify the basic need for air, water, and food.
Identify and express basic feelings (e.g., happy, sad, angry, frightened, etc.).
Identify potential hazards at home, school, and community.

Seek adult assistance when injured and/or ill.

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