We had an amazing Canada day on the beach at one of the Great Lakes, with a beautiful flag blowing in the breeze the whole time. We got some amazing pictures of our whole group with it, but unfortunately, the disc I got of those pictures doesn't work in any computer! Bummer.
We started our day off with some cute family pictures in front of a little church. Later our family got some done at the lake as well, but those pictures are on the same disc that doesn't work! The only pictures I have are these cuties here.
John saw this sign and was flattered that the Church of God thought enough of him to make a sign just for him. "God gave himself to you, and for you John! At 3:16. He noticed we were an hour early for the message, but that was okay.

Mo was in the water the whole time, and yet the only picture I have of him is of him sitting cuddled up in a towel. Oh well. I promise he had fun!
Hyrum loving the fireworks.
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