Spring here is more like summer where I grew up. If you want Canadian spring weather, you visit in the winter. Spring is summer. Summer is hell. Autumn is BEAUTIFUL. Anyways, now that that is out of my system, I just want to warn you that my boys tend to run around topless in the spring... luckily they are boys, but most of my posts will be of half naked preschoolers and toddlers!
So, what have we been doing this spring?
Sporting fo-hawks in the tub...
Eating freezy pops...Being tended to by our cat who recently lost a litter of kittens and now thinks all crying children are her responsibility...
Graduating from preschool....
Making "batman" brownies... All in all, just having fun!
I'm sorry it's been FOREVER since I blogged. I've been crazy busy purging my house, setting it up the way I want it, and getting ready for a huge garage sale. I'll do a huge catch up post soon. In the mean time, here is our new pics. Get ready for the cutest kids ever...