Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Death Valley: Papa

Here is Papa doing what we all did at one point in the day, trying to convince Mo-Mo to go a different direction. Papa even tried putting Mo-Mo on his shoulders, something our other boys love, but Mo just cried as if someone had stolen his lolly pop, or something. Poor boy.
I think Papa's favorite sight to see was the 20 mule team wagons and the boilers and other stuff linked to that. He would have loved to see Scotty's Castle too, but apparently it's on the other side of Death Valley, so maybe next time, eh Papa?

I tried to get a picture like the one of the boys here, with the wagon wheel of Papa, but he's a little bigger then the boys and I couldn't fit it in right, so this is what we came up with. Still a big old cutie though, isn't he?

A nice old hiker asked us if we wanted our picture taken and told us to smile like we were Newly Weds, so we just busted out laughing and then my Dad was like "I had to smile pretty big, because she's my daughter!" but the guy didn't here because as my Dad said it the wind ripped it out of his mouth and threw it to California. Maybe Mickey Mouse heard???

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